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viernes, 12 de noviembre de 2021

12 reasons for demanding better anti-covid19 vaccines

If only covid19 vaccines were persistently effective and absolutely safe! But they don't. Here are the main problems with these vaccines. They are failed vaccines for many reasons. Among them:

1/ They protect from infection for a few months, in some cases only three, they are "terminator" vaccines (in the sense of probably produced for early obsolescence). (here and here)

2/ Vaccinated people are infected as much or more than unvaccinated people. Since immunity wanes earlier to infection than to disease, vaccinated individuals can be healthy carriers of SARS-CoV-2 virus for a few months. (here and here)

3/ Vaccinated individuals do not contribute to herd immunity. The decision to vaccinate is a personal act guided by expectations and fears, not justified by the common good. It is a fantasy that "by protecting me I protect you". (here, here, here, here and here)

4/ In Sweden, the whole population, protection against severe covid19 and death waned from 89% at day 15-30 to 42% at 6 months, but lower for males, frail patients and patients with comorbidity (hypertension, diabetes, asthma, etc). A 12% decrease in covid19 vaccine effectiveness translates into a five-fold increase in severe cases among vaccinated patients.  (here and here)

5/ Humanity must be re-vaccinated (and probably re-re-vaccinated) every six months, thus accepting de facto its "terminator" character (its failure) and the loss of overall effectiveness over the months. (here, here, here, here and here)

6/ Clinical trials hide the raw data, and in some cases have been manipulated. (here, here, here and here)

7/ Purchase agreements/contracts are hidden, and pharmaceutical companies will not pay but European Union Member States will pay compensation for rare Covid vaccine side effects. The companies have power to silence governments, throttle supply, shift risk and maximize profits. (here, here, here, here, here and here)

8/ Pior to vaccination, there is a failure to properly inform and communicate their serious adverse effects (including death), which prevents "informed" vaccination. (here, here, here and here)

9/ They reduce mortality from all causes, they are miracle vaccines too good to be true (probably, because the healthiest people are vaccinated, the healthy bias).  (here, here and here)

10/ The vaccination coverage of a nation's population is not related to the number of cases in that nation. That is, there is no association between the percentage of vaccinated people and the evolution of cases. In some way, one might think that waning immunity to infection over the months facilitates the infection (in the case of the European Union and Singapore, like the previous ones in Israel and the United Kingdom, did the outbreaks occur despite vaccination, or as a consequence of vaccination?) (here and here)

11/ They are experimental vaccines licensed for commercial marketing, not approved, which must demonstrate their benefit before receiving formal approval (which does not yet exist). (here)

12/ The vaccines could induce viral selection and escape. At the population level they could induce viral selection and escape facilitating the emergence of a variant with enhanced transmissibility. (here)


Author: Juan Gérvas, MD, PhD, retired rural general practitioner, ex-professor public health, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (USA), National School of Public Health (Spain)

1 comentario:

  1. 100 %, bravo por ser un profesional de la medicina y atreverte a dar un paso al frente y plantear un pensamiento "critico". Son las diferencias y hablar abiertamente sobre ellas, sin miedo, lo que hace a la ciencia avanzar.

    Las vacunas se inventaron para conseguir inmunidad frente a un virus y acabar o erradicar al mismo. Una vacuna que permite al virus escapar y mutar, solo hace al virus mas fuerte. Por otro lado se han encontrado animales como ciervos de cola blanca en USA, perros, gatos ... etc con anticuerpos de nuestro virus de COVID. Por lo que el virus esta tambien mutando y transmitiendose entre animales.

    Las vacunas deberian ser estelirizantes (deberian matar al virus), ser seguras (pasar todos los controles a medio y largo plazo y validarlas con otros tratamientos y medicamentos). Si las vacunas, no se administran a todo el planeta, incluido a los animales el virus nunca se erradicara.

    Yo creo que todo esto no va sobre "sanidad", creo que es mucho mas profundo, y creo que los medicos no han sido, en genral profesionales. Entendiendo esto como personas que no obedecen ordenes, sino que por encima de sus superiores velas por la salud de sus pacientes. Aunque esa decision sea desagradable y pueda costarle el puesto de trabajo.

    Por ejemplo, si ves la mortalidad de Espana entre el 15 de marzo y el 11 de abril, aproximadamente, veras un pico de mortalidad que no se explica con el virus. No es posible que un virus que no conoce de fronteeras sea notoriamente mas mortal en espana que en Francia, siendo este pais mucho mas poblado.


    Habria que discutir a que se debe, pero seguramente responde a cerrar los hostpitales a personas mayores de 65 ayos y no estar correctamente equipados. Es decir, no tiene nada que ver con el virus!, es un error humano!.

    Sea como sea, alfinal con el tiempo, todo saldra pero enhorabuena por hablar como has hablado en este post, abiertamente.
